Arthur Skelhorn age 92 (1/2)
Born 1920 and sadly passed to the great unknown in October 2012. Dad, Grandad, Great Grandad and to many Uncle Arthur.
Arthur is the last of a generation, now at last catching up on old times with the family that went before. Now it is official that we, the next generation are the Senior Citizens of the SKELHORN Clan.
Let us not forget that, though our last memories of Arthur are those of an aged gentleman, that in his youth he was a handsome (like all us Skelhorns ) young man with an awesome bride, we knew as Peggy, and created the "southern" branch of the Skelhorn clan. Like most of the men in the family he also served our country during its hours of need. We salute you Uncle Arthur. God bless you and yours.
Eve Brady Jackie Burgess Gary Neil Skelhorn
Andrew Gannon Barry Skelhorn Wendy Waghorn Tracey Gannon Gary Burgess
SKELHORN FAMILY.. Testamonials from Facebook
Wendy Waghorn
Arthur skelhorn age 92 1/2. — with Gary Neil Skelhorn.
Mikey Buckfield
Up the pool grandad x
Eve Brady R.i.P. x
Barry Skelhorn
Uncle Arthur, So glad that the Ozzies managed to get there in time to meet with you and the family.. Though I have not seen you for countless years I am sure you where a grumpy old man like most Skelhorn men, but much loved by the family. We should celebrate the life you shared and be grateful for the privilage. RIP Uncle Arthur and commiserations to the family
Jackie Beesley
RIP Uncle Arthur - sorry to here of your passing. Say hello to Dad (Ken) and Grandma and all our Aunties and Uncles when you meet up with them again. Condolensces to my cousins and your families. XX
Tonia Bettridge
love you dad so very much going to miss you badly love you always your daughter toniaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Louise Skelhorn R.I.P. Sorry to hear about your lost to all Skelhorn who are related
Gail Rodier Skelhorn ....RIP
Jackie Burgess
really nice comments about my beloved dad, he will be sadly missed, but re-united with his wife (my late mother peggy) i will miss him dreadfully as will my siblings, but he has alot of catch up to do with all his family mother and siblings r.i.p dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Andrew Gannon
Spoke to Sandi and Mum while they were in America ( Disney World ) and they wanted me to say they were so sorry to hear the sad news about Arthur Skellhorn they were so glad they were able to see him while they were over there but he will be sadly missed all our love goes to the family during these sad times.
Gary Burgess
R.I.P 2 my late Grandad Arthur Skellhorn much loved and sadly missed!!!!!!!!
There have been many more tributes to Arthur, too many to post.
Goodnight Arthur..... Till we all meet again
Visitors notice
22/09/2011 22:01
Just visiting? Are you related, or think you are in some way connected, drop us a line and see if you can be linked in. Skelhorns are Skelhorns. Its in the genes, not the name.